Televisione 4.0

Written by Alberto Messina

The digital transformation in the TV world

The Televisione 4.0 event, held on November 23rd at the University of Salerno (Campus in Fisciano), brought together leading Italian media players (RAI, Sky, Mediaset, Publitalia, RTL 102.5) to better understand the future of television.

The way people like to use content is changing and future media players will have to systematically deal with user interaction data analysis to create new experiences and take full advantage of new platforms and standards. In this context, the conference identified and focused on the real protagonist of this future: the user. The discussion highlighted some of key topics that will be crucial for the future developments of television. 

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Fake news affects all of us – the debate should reflect all voices

Written by Noel Curran, this opinion piece originally appeared on Euractive on 6 December 2017.

We have all had our fill of references to ‘fake news’ – to the point that we are no longer sure what it means. However, that should not blind us to the fact that significant issues are at stake in the digital world.

Regulators, media organisations, politicians, journalists and the public have allowed the digital revolution, with all its opportunities, to turn into ‘digital dominance’ by a handful of large internet players. This has allowed for a space where fake news can freely flourish.

News media organisations are now spending a lot of money, at a difficult time, fact-checking information on platforms that dwarf them in scale, income and resources. Does the belated conversion of these platforms into third party fact- checking tools go far enough given the extraordinary incomes they generate?

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CEPI Independent Producers welcome start of MediaRoad project

Written by Liana Digka

CEPI’s 2017 General Assembly took place in Paris on 9-10 November 2017 and offered a fantastic opportunity for independent producers and small and medium enterprises to foster potential future synergies with broadcasters and to present the MediaRoad Project to CEPI’s members.

At this meeting, Nicola Frank, Head of European Affairs of the European Broadcasting Union (leader of the MediaRoad project), presented the main structure of the project and explained the use of the MediaRoad tools like the VRT Sandbox, an important environment for collaboration where both producers and broadcasters meet.

We have interviewed Mr Jerome Dechesne, Chairman of CEPI and representative for USPA (FR), and asked him to share his ideas about the project, its role on the promotion of research and innovation within the creative sector and the way such a project could be effectively used in the future by independent producers.

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