Six Crucial Technological Trends for the Media Sector

The MediaRoad Vision Paper on Future and Emerging Technologies for the Media Sector analyses six technological trends – Artificial Intelligence (AI), Immersive technologies, Blockchain, 5G, Internet of Things (IoT) and Convergence – and their impacts on media sectors, and provides policy recommendations aiming at ensuring positive consequences for our societies.

The Paper has been developed by the Policy Hub of MediaRoad. Launched in September 2017, the two-year MediaRoad project brings together a wide range of European media stakeholders. The project aims to provide recommendations for future-proofing media policies and promoting the implementation of innovative media concepts. MediaRoad benefits from the support and funding from the European Union research and innovation funding programme Horizon 2020.

MediaRoad’s 2nd Vision Paper takes as starting point the 1st Vision Paper on the Future of Media Innovation, and its identification of key trends and challenges for the European media sector, and the derived policy recommendations. Based on a combination of various sources (in particular experts interviews and an online survey), it provides, for each technological trend, an analysis of its likely impact on the media sector and on society as a whole, and policy recommendations. 

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#5GMediaRoad – How and when will 5G impact the media sector?

The next generation for mobile communication, 5G, promises a wide range of new solutions to all sectors, including that of the media and creative industries. And indeed, 5G has the potential to substantially impact media production workflows as well as media services for the consumers.

On 8 and 9 May 2019, roughly 150 broadcast experts and decision makers focusing on media production and on content distribution as well as media innovation managers and researchers met at IRT in Munich to discuss opportunities and challenges for specific 5G-related use cases within their domains. In addition, different operational models for 5G networks were discussed together with potential regulatory challenges. The event provided an in-depth overview of different scenarios and solutions for 5G.

The participants widely agreed, that 5G is expected to soon play a key role in the production as well as in the distribution of media services. At the same time, it became apparent how crucial the early and open collaboration between the different players in the market is. Only if manufacturers, infrastructure operators and equipment providers fully understand the needs of the media industry, it can be assured that 5G will become a success. Collaborative R&D projects like the ones funded by the EU under the 5G-PPP framework as well as numerous national initiatives play a key role in this process. Eventually, there’s a mutual interest that 5G will efficiently support the wider rapid evolution of the audiovisual media landscape and the ways consumers access content.

The four key promises for the media domain are: increased flexibility, lower cost, higher reliability and better quality of experience. If these goals can be met, all involved parties will profit.

Please find a detailed summary of presentations and discussions in the article below. All presentations can be found at

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“Internet reinvents broadcast Radio” – better radio for everybody

AER, the Association of European Radios, organised a unique Special Focus Workshop in the context of Radiodays Europe, the most important annual conference for radio professionals in the world, held in 2019 in Lausanne. The AER/MediaRoad workshop titled “Is Internet reinventing broadcast radio?” and held on 31 March 2019, explored, in a series of three thought-provoking sessions, how the radio industry will change in the next years, the innovations transforming the role of radio in people’s lives and the most recent technological disruptions seen as an opportunity and a threat at the same time.

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5G in the media sector

Written by Hans Brand and Ralf Neudel, IRT

5G, what is it all about?

Following the latest news from the mobile industry, 2019 is getting ready to become the break-through year for 5G. Smartphone manufacturers present new 5G-capable devices and telecom equipment providers are announcing the roll-out of 5G networks around the globe.

With huge technology potential behind 5G, it is often portrayed as the next evolution of digitisation that could again transform many businesses. At the same time, many experts call for expectation management. Up to now, there is not really a common understanding of what 5G will exactly deliver and especially when. This is quite understandable since the standardisation of 5G by 3GPP (like other specifications before) is progressing iteratively and is fixed in

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