Six Crucial Technological Trends for the Media Sector

The MediaRoad Vision Paper on Future and Emerging Technologies for the Media Sector analyses six technological trends – Artificial Intelligence (AI), Immersive technologies, Blockchain, 5G, Internet of Things (IoT) and Convergence – and their impacts on media sectors, and provides policy recommendations aiming at ensuring positive consequences for our societies.

The Paper has been developed by the Policy Hub of MediaRoad. Launched in September 2017, the two-year MediaRoad project brings together a wide range of European media stakeholders. The project aims to provide recommendations for future-proofing media policies and promoting the implementation of innovative media concepts. MediaRoad benefits from the support and funding from the European Union research and innovation funding programme Horizon 2020.

MediaRoad’s 2nd Vision Paper takes as starting point the 1st Vision Paper on the Future of Media Innovation, and its identification of key trends and challenges for the European media sector, and the derived policy recommendations. Based on a combination of various sources (in particular experts interviews and an online survey), it provides, for each technological trend, an analysis of its likely impact on the media sector and on society as a whole, and policy recommendations. 

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AI and the media: too hot, too cold, just right? A mapping of Artificial Intelligence applications

By Kati Bremme, Innovation & Prospective Directorate

 Algorithms are made to solve problems. Generating suspicion in some, perceived as a miracle solution by others, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere, impacting every industry. Some, though, struggle a bit more to fully embrace it, an example being the media. Compared to the financial or health sectors, the media’s capacity to acquire the necessary tools to integrate AI is less flexible and dynamic. In its latest AI Predictions Report, the PwC firm pinpoints these differences, reporting that 20% of interviewed executives plan to deploy AI in their enterprise, but only 7% in the media sector.

However, the application fields for AI in the mediums of written press, cinema, radio, television and advertising are broad: automation of business processes and customer relationships, social network monitoring and listening, information verification, predictive analysis of success

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MediaRoad’s response to the Stakeholders’ Consultation on Draft AI Ethics Guidelines: interesting but… what about media?!?

Written by Heritiana Ranaivoson & Luciano Morganti

Draft Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI

On the 18th of December 2018, the European Union’s high level expert group on artificial intelligence today released draft ethics guidelines. They were open for comments until the 18th of January 18 (extended to 1st of February).

This post recaps MediaRoad’s response, in particular arguing for the media sector to be also considered, in particular as a use case.  It follows the structure of the guidelines.

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