There it is! Swedish Radio kicks off their local Sandbox.

The first milestone for the Swedish Radio Sandbox

With some delay I land in beautiful Stockholm.

In the evening I present at the first Sandbox event of the Swedish Radio Sandbox. This takes place in the Culture House in the middle of the city. Linda and Malin, project managers from the local Sandbox, have furnished the room very cozily with seats, music, donuts and other delicacies. The atmosphere is right immediately.

Linda and Malin also give the word to Signal Signal, one of their first two startup collaborations. It is great to see these ladies drive and observe how fast their Sandbox is evolving. In addition to the two ongoing projects, several other startups are also present, so everything is there to make this fantastic start a big success story. Those very welcome extra people will certainly also grow with the upcoming events.

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This was The Sandbox Hub – Cycle 1

Blogpost by Sarah Geeroms

I am thrilled! Today, Thursday February 8th our Sandbox Hub officially starts. If you know that many broadcasters are already working on media innovation, but that their expertise and learnings are not systematically shared, then you will understand why the creation of our Sandbox Hub is a milestone. In doing so, we are building a European network on media innovation, sharing our (innovative) knowledge and giving local startups a stepping stone to scale faster and more efficiently in Europe.
France TV, Swedish Radio and BBC are the first to join our network. We have therefore invited them to a two-day immersion at VRT Sandbox.

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France Televisions, Swedish Radio and BBC first to join European Media Start-up Network: The SANDBOX HUB

On the 8th and 9th of February, broadcasters France Télévisions, Swedish Radio and BBC are visiting the Belgian broadcaster VRT for the kickoff of The Sandbox Hub, part of the European MediaRoad project, which is led by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU).

The Sandbox Hub aims to build a European network of innovation incubators. Inspired by the VRT Sandbox model of Belgian broadcaster VRT, these broadcasters will either establish their own incubator or they will exchange experiences and expertise with the network.


The Sandbox Hub, led by VRT Sandbox, aims to create a European network of media innovation incubators through which groundbreaking ideas can be tested and scaled. These incubators,

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