Post-Convergence Radio Our past events

Event partner

Event informationAgendaRegistrationMaterials
18 March 2018, start: 10.30h, end: 13.30h

Vienna (Austria Center)


Hybrid radio technical view and how to build (on) it

Building on and co-located with Radiodays Europe, this workshop is the place to be to speak about post-convergence in radio, through hybrid radio applications and complementary approaches. Hybrid radio combines broadcast radio with Internet distribution, thus enabling the addition of visual and interactive elements to the radio programme, such as branding (e.g. logo), information about songs or programmes, tagging of programmes, etc.

The workshop will showcase two main aspects of radio’s technological development:

  • upcoming hybrid radio solutions anchoring radio’s audio broadcast presence in a convergent world;
  • the challenge of fostering – at a local and national / European level – eco-systems favourable to the birth of “applications” exploiting hybrid radio solutions together with an adequate presence in new end-user devices (voice-activated devices, portable devices, smart cars, etc.).

The workshop addresses radio’s technical teams and middle management in addition to the usual Radiodays Europe mid- to high management representatives.


The online registration is is handled cooperatively by the organisors of Radiodays Europe; please go to the registrations tab for more information.

Programme and organisation
Vincent Sneed MediaRoad
AER Manager
+32 2 736 91 31

Registration is handled cooperatively by the organisors of Radiodays Europe; you can register by following the instructions here.

Registration to the workshop is free and handled on a first-come / first served basis.

Registration to the workshop however does NOT give access to Radiodays Europe – this needs to be done separately, and requires payment of a fee.

Should you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.