IBC, EBU Stand @ 10.F20 (Amsterdam)
Sandbox Prize Ceremony
In MediaRoad's Sandbox Hub an international network of media innovation accelerators has been created to test and scale groundbreaking ideas for the media sector. These accelerators, or Sandboxes, are hosted by established media organizations, and include applications from entrepreneurs, startups and SMEs with media-related concepts involving technology, journalism, social media and content.
MediaRoad has established a prize programme to recognize the best projects that emerged from the Sandboxes and also to value the Sandbox that has created the most quality label projects. A six-membered international jury has assessed the candidates; during a small but sweet ceremony, the prize winners will be announced to the public.
The event is targeted at all media representatives with an interest in innovation.
The ceremony will be structured as follows:
- MediaRoad Project and the concept of Sandbox - Agata Patecka, EBU & Sarah Geeroms, VRT
- MediaRoad Quality Label and Prize - Paolo Casagranda, Rai
- A word from the Jury - Judy Parnall, – EBU Technical Committee Chair
- Presentation of the Sandbox with the most certified startup projects
- Presentation of the Winning and the runner-up startup
Programme and organisation
Paolo Casagranda | MediaRoad |
Centro Ricerche, Innovazione Tecnologica e Sperimentazione | events@mediaroad.eu |
paolo.casagranda@rai.it | www.mediaroad.eu |
Please find a summary of the ceremony and an overview of the prizewinners on our website. Also project partner Rai CRITS has published a summary.

Newsbridge First Prize MediaRoad Sandbox

On-Hertz Second Prize MediaRoad Sandbox

France Télévisions Sandbox creating the most Quality Label projects